Angle in the heart
Who do we trust…
Whom we can talk to freely… Whom we can open our hearts to, talk to them about our pain and tell them about our dreams and aspirations without being ashamed… Who can we talk to without thinking about the consequences. A mistake they draw for us or a hasty wrong judgment on our character in a moment that opens our hearts to them…
Those who do not demand of us in a consistent way that we appear before them and do not feel that our moments of fatigue and weakness are a heavy burden for them to escape from…
Those who do not deny our feelings and do not treat us according to their mood and desires for proximity and distance, and respect their relations with us…
Who do not want only the smiley face that satisfies them and does not make them feel the need for their support…
Those who understand our pain from a look or a tone of voice… Those who want us to be who we are all of our time… Those who are who we are with us and deal with us simply, honestly and spontaneously… Those who we can trust and open our hearts to.
Those who do not build artificial barriers to keep themselves outside the walls of our lives always reserve a special corner in the depths of our memory.