
The first years of marriage are like settling the land and preparing it for planting, if you pave it with kindness, tenderness, and devotion, You pay attention to what you offer and what you give you don’t give your life partner of containment and respect Not by what you take, and you were not in a hurry to achieve your desires even at the expense of the comfort and desires of a life partner, So rest assured that your planting will blossom in harmony and deep love.
and emotional security for both spouses.
We often find marriages falter in the first years of marriage because both spouses are shocked In his fantasies about the other, and his many demands for him, and not to be patient in the face of any defect or deficiency in it.
The wife is waiting for twice as much love, affection and infatuation of what was before marriage, and she seeks a husband without defect or blemish, and she wants him to bring her treasures in her hands he makes her a woman who commands and obeys, and the husband waits to see a wife transcend human qualities, do not fall short, then and you do not know the lukewarmness of his service and care, She gives her life to make him happy without any demands it has no psychological or human needs.
This model of couples does not tolerate any criticism, He does not accept any claims from his life partner.
They both don’t share, contain, or listen to their lover’s feelings so that he understands and appreciates his feelings and learns to absorb them, He seeks a lover who fulfils his desires and satisfies the arrogance of his dreams.
But he does not give up anything to please this person who lives to make him happy.
In fact, married life is the opposite of what they understand.
It is nothing but the common sacrifices of two people each of them leaves something to take a step towards the other until both entities dissolve and become one entity.
Then neither of them will feel tired while serving with love what pleases his lover, and his happiness is always to paint a smile on his face.