Life isn’t easy

If someone said that life is easy and all dreams are within reach
All people are good and all people are sincere
They help and give freely with love and enthusiasm
You will not believe his words and your minds will not be convinced of him because it is not the truth
Life is not one thing and our days do not go on at the same pace.
It is not all happiness that does not stop, and it is not all unending misery.
Life is not an endless joy that floods our souls
There is no sorrow that bleeds our hearts without ceasing.
Not everything about it is gorgeous, beautiful, and easy
Nor is it a torment that we live without hope.
Life has moments of hard and easy.
There are times when our feet stumble in the difficulties of the road
And the moments we are freed from the captivity of our chains
We take successful steps and achieve achievements.
We will stop, our resolve will drop, our energy will decrease, we will almost stop trying, then hope will come to us again, and we will hurry to make up for what we have missed.
Sometimes we will fall and then we will rise.
We will get tired and feel that the millennium of life grinds our hearts
But we will also find comfort while we long for love
And we share life and look for those with whom our souls rest.
We will be sad and happy…
We cry and laugh…
I’m sad and I’m dreaming…
We won’t succeed…
We will meet the good people who fill our lives with splendor with their presence
And we will meet the cruel who do not care about the pain of others
Or take them for pity, but circumstances may bring us together
Those who take pleasure in the pain of others.
In the midst of all these contradictions, each of us will create our own experience
He will have his own values and experience that he created
Through his life.