
Do not exceed the appropriate limits in the dialogue with your partner
So that the prestige and value of love do not fall from your heart, and do not waste a credit
Feelings between the two of you with insults or repeated hurt feelings,
It will inevitably affect the strength of your relationship.
If you get out of your mind and get out of your nerves against your will,
I angered him, so he apologized. This is enough to dissolve the dispute in the beginning.
Because when you’re late, you let the devil get in between you
And portraying each other in the eyes of the other in the ugliest form,
This escalates the dispute, increases anger, and makes reconciliation more difficult.
He complicates matters that were easy and easy and resolved with a kind word.
A kind smile, and a gentle word of apology.
Don’t let your pride prevent you from admitting a mistake or correcting it.
The more you are able to apologize and admit the mistake
I was better able to take care of the feelings of your life companion
And you were more classy, and your destiny was elevated in the heart of a person who loves you.
And remember that the mistake for which neither spouse apologizes
No one forgets it, no matter how long it takes.
While an apology dissolves disagreement,
It purifies souls of sadness, anger and frustration.
It prepares the atmosphere for a relationship together.