Heart talk

“No matter how many times you fall or get knocked down, you can still get up.” Ghada Atta
My passion and love for reading since my childhood have always tempted me to search for answers to many questions that occupy me and grow with me day after day.
For me, entering the Faculty of Arts was a great turning point in my life
Many new events and experiences in life made that stage a new chapter in my life.
Gradually, my studies of literature and drama refined many of my ideas and my vision of life, and my study of criticism and psychological analysis of literary figures made me daring to criticize the ideas presented and add, accept and reject. Studying the same thing from the point of view of different cultures as well as analyzing the vision and message of the creator himself expands the field of your vision and your sense of life in general and not what It concerns the study only, which made me move from looking at things from one angle to objective criticism and accepting the other opinion and thought.
Also, studying the cultural and linguistic development of other peoples, which seemed impressive to me at the time, made me rethink a lot so as not to overdo it with fascination and acceptance or rejection, and to try to make my own vision and my position in which I believe.
– I decided to learn more about life and open new doors of learning and read in different fields to find my passion and what interests me to the point that it was very random at first because I did not know exactly where to start, but I lived the experience and enjoyed all the confusion while a book topped me and a book It confuses and confuses my thoughts, another book I close after several pages, and another book represents a discovery for me that leaves an imprint in my heart.
– My feet led me to the university library, where I found abundant treasures and people who helped me slowly open the doors of understanding.
I started reading a lot of literary novels and short stories, which opened my appetite for more and benefited from reading philosophy and history in greater depth, and with it, my passion for research in civilizations and the development of nations increased.
I had more questions and every question led to another question until I found myself opening many doors to get to know myself and to understand what I want more than learning.
At that time I wasn’t going according to a plan or knowing what the right and obvious steps were and where I wanted to get to I just knew for myself.
-I found my quest in the Arabic library, where the abundant literature, literature, thought and wonderful writings of many of our geniuses, and because I was inclined to write, I tried and tried to read poetry and its collections, but I did not find myself in it at all, but I finally found what I was looking for.
I was always looking for another type of writing that suits me and my literary inclination until I found the collection (Wahi al-Qalam) by writer and thinker Mustafa Sadiq al-Rafei.
My heart overflowed with joy and I breathed a sigh of relief while I grabbed the first part, as if I had finally found it. Al-Rafie was writing the short article.
The collection (Wahi al-Qalam) consisted of various literary articles and intellectual prose, and this is exactly what I have been looking for for years, and I wish I could express myself with it and choose it as my own literary color.
Then I found more of what I was looking for in other great writers.
Having a writer rich in culture who uses this type of writing was a real starting point for me. It was the beginning of my choice of a clear path in writing, as I started writing articles actually in 1997, while before that was just attempted timidly.
Those first imprints really remain inside us, and it was Bab Abdel Wahab Mutawa, articles by Ahmed Bahgat and the books of the genius thinker and writer Mustafa Mahmoud and other wonderful people, its intellectual imprint and its impact on my feelings. On the first day of my studies for the Education Diploma, I decided that my destination for deeper learning would be psychology and philosophy, in addition to my studies. I was very concerned about how to place both within the framework of religion and morals, and exclude the fragile ideas and philosophies that undermine the humanity of the individual and push him to doubt and loss, so we turn it into a helper, not an obstacle and a distraction from life.
A lot of confusion and questions prompted me to search for it in the mother books and the interpretation of the great Qur’an and the books of the Sunnah, and I really felt reassured and safe, and I found much deeper meanings for everything around me, and I listened to studying and understanding the hadiths of the Prophet.
So much confusion in our steps and pain in our way that we realize that life is a great test and that every step, every word, and every action we do can help us when we fix our intentions to pass the test
God’s kindness to us and his generosity cover us.
This understanding has transformed me into the framework that sets the rhythm and balance for my mission and goals in life.
With my entry into the field of practical life, I found a passion that formed inside me towards studying relationships and human communication, and I continued reading and learning for years, and I received many intensive and varied training courses in this field until I gained the experiences and knowledge that I provided for years in this field.
And as I went through times when my energy declined in the face of frustrations and pressures, I began to feel that I needed to recharge my energy and my energy, and from here a new point in my life began.
In the beginning, I was trying to help myself to maintain balance within myself and take important steps in my life and with time my focus was no longer only to motivate myself and get it back on track but also to motivate others and charge their energy and help them be the best version of what they wish for.
Teaching and dealing with children had a great impact on my interest in focusing on the aspect of values and ethics in our lives and how to transform it into a reality we live shaped by my love of motivation and my passion for understanding communication and relationships.
With time, I felt that I needed to collect the scattered puzzle pieces and transform my knowledge, experiences and studies into a value that I would pass on to others and help add to those around me, so I turned from writing as a self-fulfilling hobby to professional writing.
– I remained with great fear and hesitation, and I waited years to be ready to announce myself as a writer, but the years passed and I waited for the best and improvement until I found that the best would only come by going through the experience, learning from mistakes and overcoming difficulties, so I closed my eyes to all my fears and published my first book (How to Fill Our Homes with Love)
After a very long wait in 2014.
This was my starting point towards writing and with the continuation, the experience was improving and my experience increased and I dared to publish my next book
(Yes you can) who was locked in drawers for years also in 2015 .
After that, my books followed, and praise be to God, and I am still revising them and improving them edition after edition, and I discovered at that time that lessons and ideas alone are not enough until you go through the experience and start swimming in the waves and learn how to transcend moments of fear and avoid painful blows.
I discovered my love to continue teaching, but in those areas in which I had long experience and study in the areas of relationships and motivation, and I had already studied in-depth courses in training, I was encouraged.
She helped me to communicate more with people through seminars and lectures.
My desire to convey my message more to people made me overcome my fears and enter the field of training in self-development, positive thinking and improving relationships.
I got certified trainer certificates from Egypt and Saudi Arabia and completed many intensive courses in my field.
I have always had a passion for personal assistance for each person to improve his relationship with his partner and to improve the quality of his life, so I studied coaching, which I consider my study of it one of the most precious things in my heart because it brings me closer to myself and understanding the other and from abandoning my judgment on anyone but helping him to go from where he is With his current beliefs, thoughts and feelings for a new place he wants for himself, decides values for himself, chooses ideas, changes his beliefs, and understands his feelings more.
For me, it is a journey of personal transformation and positive change
It is the most enjoyable when you find a person who achieves and succeeds in his journey and you share with him the journey of change and help him to complete it while his awareness gradually grows.
Although the study of coaching was long and exhausting, and with it you will always need to learn more to improve yourself in this field, but it develops a lot within you slowly and helps you, too, to grow and develop from yourself.
And, thank God, I got a degree from the World Coaching Federation
Accredited Associate Coach
Studying positive psychology not only changes the way you deal with things, but also changes your view of others, gives you confidence in yourself and in them, and inspires you how to help them develop themselves.
Over the years, I attended many courses and listened to many experts and mentors from whom I learned more than five hundred training hours.
My awareness changed with each course I took and I felt like I was overcoming so many of my fears and finding myself and now I remember and cherish those wonderful times and great opportunities to learn and everyone who taught me.
I remember from those courses dear to my heart:
- Training of trainers course (30 training hours).
- Advanced level training of trainers course (90 training hours).
- Success Mastery course (45 training hours).
- Family Counseling Diploma (36 training hours).
- A coaching course approved by the World Coaching Federation (75 training hours).
- Certified transformative coach
Honestly, with every new learning journey, you feel that you still have a very long way to learn and that you have not yet reached anything.
As I continued my learning journey, I offered courses in the arts of communication, improving relationships, and positive thinking.
Thanks to God, I offer counselling in the field of marital relations, as well as individual coaching sessions in the field of relationships and improving the quality of life.
Thank you for the opportunity you have given me and for the precious time you have given me as you fulfil my words.
“The hardest battle in life is the battle that a person fights with himself.” To do it, he beats it sometimes and beats him at other times, but he tries and tries Until he forces her to submit to his mind, morals and principles.” Ghada Atta